Kids Profile Test

  • This test requires fast internet as the video clips are streamed (Wi-Fi with a speed of at least 4mbs) The test needs to be done on a laptop or desktop computer using either GOOGLE CHROME or FIREFOX - other browsers are NOT supported

  • If you have Growing Kids with Character, and you'd like to use the code in the back of the book for a free report, click on Do a Test in the very top right corner of this web page, and enter the code where it asks for your voucher number.

  • If you have the book, have already used your free code, and would like to purchase discounted voucher codes for more children, click on Add to Cart under the Kids Test logo, and choose the discount option.

  • If you don't have the new Growing Kids with Character book shown here, please click on Add to cart to purchase a test voucher code.

  • On a practical note: In doing this test, you first give your responses and also have the option to let your child and two more adults give their responses about your child's personality! Thus, up to 4 people's assessment add up to the unique report!

Tall Trees Kids Profiles


Tips to develop your child's potential


Tips to help your child develop leadership traits


Tips to make sure your child feels accepted and celebrated


Tips to protect your child from unnecessary stress


Tips to adapt how you listen and speak to your child


Tips to discipline in a way that suits your child's design